In August of 2014, I set out to provide more value to the readers of (as well as myself) by taking the Target Weekly Ad that I get in the weekly Sunday paper, scan the 24 to 32 page flyer into a pdf, and post it to BSS so that people could view it “on the go”. I got a lot of positive feedback on it, a lot of visits according to the web stats, and a lot of personal value (I had the weekly flyer wherever we were, ready to reference it).
But as time went on, I ran into obstacles that prevented me form posting it every-single-week.
Newspaper Consistency
There was at least two / possibly more weeks that the Sunday paper simply did not have the Target Ad inserted. Its hard to post if the physical copy isn’t available.
“Real Life” Getting in the Way
Trips to see family and other weekend excursions had us returning Sunday at 8p.m. or later, making the Target PDF production next to impossible to complete on a Sunday. There were a few times I did it later in the week but by that point it loses its utility.
Time (the biggest factor)
As a dad of a 5 and 7 year old, I only have so much to myself. And we went from going to Church some times to every week, as my daughter prepares for First Communion. That meant no more lazy Sundays, where the family was in pajamas until 11a.m., and I had the 2 hours or so that it took from start to finish to produce the final product and get it posted on the site.
So what now?
Beth and I are going to concentrate on bringing more content that adds value to the site, instead of trying to squeeze the few hours of available time on a Sunday into a digital version of the Target Ad, as I just couldn’t do it consistently any more. Look for more articles on shopping and ways to save in the coming year!
Appreciate the update on the reason why……..take all the time you need!